About Us

Rayomand (Rayo) Bhumgara, Founder and President of Sustainable Strategies 2050, formed the company in 2009 and started with consulting private and public sector clients on energy management solutions and economic development.   Since 2010, the company’s primary business has been solar energy development, focused on origination and development of distributed generation projects in multiple states on the east coast. Through partnerships with investors/developers, landowners/brokers, and consultants/engineers, the company has been involved in the development of 50+ projects that are completed/operational or under development, comprising 190+ MW of generation capacity, across 4 states (MA, ME, VA, NH). The company plans to continue growing it’s development pipeline in existing and new markets on the east coast as well as new markets in the midwest and southwest US.


How We Can Partner


Looking for land with the following characteristics:  

  • 10-30 acres (or more based on State law and regulations) of buildable area, preferably contiguous
  • Buildable area defined by land with less than 10-15% slopes and land that is not environmentally constrained (e.g floodplain, wetlands, streams, etc.)
  • Site needs to be close to 3 phase power
  • Need access for vehicles as well as electrical infrastructure
  • Forested land is OK as long as we can clear
  • Can develop on different types of land as long as it is allowed by local zoning/land use (greenfield, brownfield, landfill, agricultural, etc.)
  • Can purchase or lease

Give us a call or send us an email if interested in leasing or selling your land for solar energy development.

Real Estate Brokers/
Site Finders

Looking for land with the following characteristics: 

  • 10-30 acres (or more based on State law and regulations) of buildable area, preferably contiguous
  • Buildable area defined by land with less than 10-15% slopes and land that is not environmentally constrained (e.g floodplain, wetlands, streams, etc.)
  • Site needs to be close to 3 phase power
  • Need access for vehicles as well as electrical infrastructure
  • Forested land is OK as long as we can clear
  • Can develop on different types of land as long as it is allowed by local zoning/land use (greenfield, brownfield, landfill, agricultural, etc.)
  • Can purchase or lease

Give us a call or send us an email if interested in helping us find land for lease or sale for solar energy development.   We will negotiate a finder’s fee for every opportunity you introduce that results in a project being built and interconnected.


Renewable Energy Investors/Developers

Sustainable Strategies 2050 has experience in origination and early stage development as well as co-development support for portfolios of projects in multiple states.

  • Screening of sites, origination of viable projects
  • Securing site control through a purchase option or lease option agreement
  • Submitting an interconnection application and securing queue position on the circuit/substation
  • Conducting preliminary site assessment including buildable area analysis, zoning/permitting review
  • Coordination with landowner
  • Project Permitting/Community Engagement
  • Coordination with Utility on Interconnection
  • Real/Personal Property Tax Negotiations
  • PPA/Net Metering Offtaker Identification & Negotiation

If interested in partnering, please give us a call or send us an email.


Giving back to human health/development and environmental sustainability, Sustainable Strategies 2050 Impact Fund hopes to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities most in need of assistance who seek a better life and for a planet in need of protection and rejuvenation